I can't remotely access that GWR▸ attachment from my phone - is there anything in that pdf file that doesn't agree with the current PF▸ rules?
In other words, are they purely saying that PF rules that are current will be applied more thoroughly from May 23?
I don't think there is any change in the rules. I understood the reported announcement to be about the extent of the
penalty fares area.
The second GWR download (
Buy before you board) has this right at the start:
If you board any of our trains without a valid ticket, at a station where ticket buying facilities are available, you may be charged the full Single or Return fare relevant to your journey, be reported for prosecution, or receive a Penalty Fare if travelling from a station within the Penalty Fares Zones (see maps overleaf).
There are three maps (at the end of the online version) with a key that says:
[grey blob] This station is in the Penalty Fares scheme
[green blob] This station is not in the Penalty Fares scheme
[grey line] This is not a penalty fares line
There are also green lines, not in the key, which you'd expect to be the penalty fares lines - but for some reason are not defined. So much for the requirement "Operators must make sure that if these stations are not made penalty fares stations, this does not cause confusion or make the scheme difficult to explain to passengers." - just the daft choice of blob colours alone conflicts with that.
The maps have no heading or anything other than the key and that reference in the text to say what they are - so they do not provide information about where the penalty fares area is or isn't. Which makes it hard to interpret what extending its boundaries would mean.
The green lines, whatever they are, cover Paddington to Oxford and Westbury and all branches including to Guildford and Basingstoke, Cheltenham to Tiverton and Bristol
TM▸ to Swindon and Westbury, plus Exmouth to Truro and Paignton but no other branches. Yes, there are gaps in that - Didcot to Swindon, and Tiverton to Exeter SD.