No republican head of state of these isles has ever lost their head. Can't say the same for a monarch.
Actually you couldn't be more wrong...The only Republican Head of State we've ever had ended up with his head exhibited on a spike above Westminster look for a shirt with a steel collar BNM! 😉
Actually I couldn't be more right. I said head of state. Oliver Cromwell was no longer head of state when he was exhumed and interfered with. Plus Oliver Cromwell was not our only republican head of state. His son Richard Cromwell was Lord Protector following Oliver's death. He wasn't beheaded, alive or dead. Lived to the grand old age of 85.
I do find it mildly amusing, if a little offensive that, after stating I'm a republican, there should be suggestions I worry about my head remaining on my shoulders.
Cool your jets young man, no-one was calling for your head on a platter.......only the fact that in all our long history, Republicans had their way for a grand total of 11 years before the monarchy was welcomed back........and, dead or alive (which you didn't specify!),Oliver Cromwell ended up for Tumbledown Dick......264 days before being leaving aside those 11 years, if we start from Alfred the Great in 871-ish, to the present day, I'd say monarchists just about edge it?