Are TVMs▸ able to drop back to "offline" authorisation when a data link is lost? I know some types of debit card do not permit this, but it would enable the majority of transactions to still go through.
My bank impose an offline limit. I queried this why sometimes it works offline and sometimes it doesn't. They refused to disclose the offline limit though.
What I did establish though is its somewhere between ^29.90 and ^59.80 as it worked when we tried it again as a separate transactions for me and Mrs W but declined when we tried as one transaction.
This could explain why a pub I go to with patchy mobile reception (well whatever network the SIM in their card machine uses is patchy) has problems with some customers and not others. Generally the amounts being processed are under ^30 so contactless is used, but some cards (e.g. Barclaycard, Lloyds) will go through even with no signal, but others' (e.g. Santander, NatWest) don't. I would guess the offline limit for those that work is at least ^20, but for those that don't at most ^10. Obviously this is just anecdotal, I guess banks provision the cards depending on the customer profile.
Edit: I liked your post, because in future, a solution for those having trouble might be to suggest trying 2 x < ^10