I do not begrudge those who qualify for them
I do because they belong to an age bracket which has a median income which is above average
http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/oct/24/young-bear-burden-of-pensioner-prosperitySure there are poor pensioners who need help just as there are poor young people, but if you are going to introduce a benefit based purely on age then target the age group that is, on average, the poorest.
"Capitalism for the young, socialism for the old" seems to be the principle of this government and I think it stinks.
I believe the pass should be means tested. I was talking to an old lady when I was on my last ride Cornwall as I saw her on 3 different legs of my day.
She was telling me she receives only state pension, she was a widow, and days out on the bus was the only way she could get out of the house as she was left with nothing once her food and utilities were paid for. I noticed she made conversation with anyone who sat near her, so I guess doing her good socially as well rather than being sat on her own at home. Probably good for her health getting out and about as well. She would not have been able to do that without her pass.
On the other end a pensioner on the rich end of the scale I feel should pay their way, I know of one pensioner who is a multi millionaire yet uses his bus pass simply because he has it. He admits he would drive if he didn't have the pass.