1. Are they still keeping the quiet carriage but with no advertising?
2. Is it true that not all of the HST▸ 's will be repainted?
3. What's happening about the uniforms.
4. When will the 158's go in for refurbishment?
Just a couple of questions that have been on my mind that I'd like to ask.
At TravelWatch SouthWest yesterday, Ben Rule spoke. I'll post the notes I took shortly. And I'll follow up with what I know from his presentation and one by Diane Burke I saw a couple of weeks ago.
1. I have heard of no change to quite carriages. I did use one on Friday evening, and as usual there remains the odd person who feels that the rules apply to everyone except themselves

2. Yes
3. There are one staff wearing prototypes / testing them out at the moment, with the full production runs coming next spring.
4. 158s will be replaced by Turbos on Cardiff / Portsmouth and will the head west, with 143 and 153 units being removed from the franchise. This will be a 2 phase change at May 2017 and December 2018 on current schedule, and I would anticipate that the 3 car 158-9xx units will revert to being 2 card units with a degree of work done at that point. Whether that's a full refurb, or just a small job, and whether there's another refurb done on them at some stage I don't known.
I did travel on 150238 the other day, with it's posh new disabled-friendly toilet, and I would suspect we'll see much more of that across the remaining "West" fleet. With the 153s going, I don't see their loo becoming disabled friendly; the new loo on the 150 looks like it's taken out a number of seats and a reduction of the same number of seats on a 153 would be serious. Of course, in terms of "equal disabled provision" you could simply rip the loos out of the 153s ... and put more seats in. Indeed that would help revenue protection as it would remove the place to hide .