Like Oberon, I also live in the area. Work-wise, I travel in the opposite direction from the flow being discussed, as I commute Monday-Friday by bus from Batheaston to Chippenham.
I have what is generally recognised as (and certainly feels like) an intensive day job, and my fair share of personal commitments outside of that. As far as spending the limited time I have at my disposal outside of that goes, one of my favourites is to walk my dog from Batheaston to Bathampton alongside the Meadows and Mill Lane to Bathampton where I will either continue walking along the canal or perhaps stop off at the canalboat cafe for tea and cake.
If you haven't been to this part of the world, then I can tell you that it is genuinely beautiful, and I consider it a privilege to have this wonderful vista stretched out before me to enjoy.
I personally feel - and Oberon is entirely within his or her rights to disagree with me - that this privilege comes with a responsibility, the responsibility to safeguard it for future generations to enjoy just as previous generations have safeguarded it for me to enjoy.
If that makes me a NIMBY, then so be it. I will be signing the petition, and will encourage others to do so.
Also, as a fellow resident of the area, I'm sure Oberon would agree with me that we need to avoid becoming a regional laughing stock when a Bathampton Meadows Park & Ride is inevitably closed - sometimes for extended periods - due to what grahame's correspondent rightly describes as the regular flooding that afflicts the area. See links below (bet you've missed me saying that...)
2009 - - - you can see John R, it's not all about the view!
If that makes me a NIMBY, then so be it. I will be signing the petition, and will encourage others to do so.
Finally, let's have a closer look at what most people believe a NIMBY to be. Generally speaking we are a bunch of locals whose opposition to something that affects their own backyard stands in the way of "the greater good". Rather like, in fact, 23 August 2015, when we were not best pleased that First Bus routed the 231 away from Batheaston and sent it down the bypass instead, mainly because of the correspondence they received from residents of Chippenham and Corsham that pootling through our little village was preventing them getting to Bath as quick as they would have liked.
The whole saga reminded me of the debates we used to have in
CANBER▸ days, where cutting out station stops would only save a handful of minutes at best, but it was the perception of a speeded up journey that counted.
In reality, of course, less than a handful of minutes are saved on the overall journey time in "benign" traffic conditions by missing out Batheaston on the 231, and on busy Saturdays it's often quicker to go via Batheaston because the bypass - yes folks, that's the very route you'd have to traverse in order to access a Bathampton Meadows Park & Ride - is at a standstill. Meanwhile, us Batheaston residents have paid for those dubious benefits by losing ALL of our early morning, evening and Sunday bus services to destinations east of Bathford.
Indeed, given that I don't have the option of catching Faresaver X31 direct to work because it doesn't arrive early enough in Chippenham, I often reflect on the irony of it now being more difficult for me to travel to Wiltshire by public transport, in order to help make it easier for people in Wiltshire to travel by public transport, when some of those same people have been responsible for...well you get the picture. Mind you, that's nothing compared to the irony I experience when reflecting on the near collapse of reliability of the 231 since First cut Pewsham out of the route in order to...improve reliability! Particularly when my bus home is an hour late as a result...
But I digress.
So let's sum up - Having had my journey to and from work screwed up for "the greater good", I now apparently have to sacrifice the gorgeous, wonderful, irreplaceable beauty of my surroundings when I eventually make it back home for "the greater good" too, do I? The analogy I would choose for that is that if you kick me in the nether regions once, then I might - just might - turn the other cheek and try and understand why you did it. Immediately kick me in those same nether regions again while I'm down though, and I think you can guess the likely response, can't you?
Sorry folks, I'm not having it. If that makes me a NIMBY, then so be it. I will be signing the petition, and will encourage others to do so.