I had the same problem. Settings for the database and trying to save with utf-8 didn't make any difference.
I don't know if you are using mysql and php, but I eventually discovered that the php statement:-
placed before getting any data from the database did the trick.
We are ... and although the solution may be along those lines it's not that simple:
a) We may have double and treble encoding!
b) The software is old open source stuff and gets data all over the place
c) Although the PHP / code is ancient, we're running on a very recent edition of MySQL ... the PHP application says "supports any version of MySQL after 4.xxxx but of course it was never tested on 5.6.xxxx because that wasn't around at the time.
One of the effects, I'm afraid, of a project that was supposed to live for less that 8 months still running 8 years later!
During my current enforced layup I've been thinking a lot and doing background planning to sort some stuff out. I can't rely on myself to do a clean job with my current muzzy head, but once I'm back to full brain function and have cleared a couple of backlogs, I'll be well fixed to do some things as described at
http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?topic=16117.0 - which I note drew 0 comments
and more likes than I've ever seen here before.