Whilst I am very impressed by the new look, the time to judge is not now as everything has been deliberately spruced up for a launch, but 12-18 months down the line when it is 'business as usual'
That's the $1,000,000 question. One element suggests it's "just a
PR▸ exercise" and the opposite element suggests it's a rebirth and direction change for the future - you'll have seen both elements expressed here.
I do recall that our much-criticised secondary school in Melksham - George Ward - was essentially moved to a new site with the same team for a fresh start, and "The Oak" or "Melksham Oak" has a new vitality and is bursting at the seams as parents vote with their feet and the proportion of Melksham's teenagers going to other towns has declined. And some of that started even in the anticipation of the move before it was completed.