From my mailbox:
I had to get a bus to Bath this morning before the 9:30am deadline. On getting on the bus I was advised by the driver that those who present their bus passes qualify for a child's fare. This is a deal that Faresaver are offering at their own initiative. I hadn't heard about this before so thought the info may be useful to your public transport committees
Background - Wiltshire Council have recently cut back the concessionary fares scheme for senior pass holders, so that the council (and via them the taxpayer) only pick up the cost of people travelling on "OAP cards" after 09:30. Earlier in the morning, the services are more commercial now - with everyone paying their fare as they travel or using appropriate seasons tickets / purchased passes.
There are erroneous reports out there saying that pensioner can no longer travel before 09:30 - those reports are incorrect; it's simply that they are now required to pay a fare for their travel like the rest of us.From the report (to be validated, but it has a ring of truth) it would seem that Faresaver are now offering travel on a commercial basis to people with senior cards at (usually) 50% of the adult fare. This seems like a very clever move indeed - they still get the money they got before (actually
more because I understand that the council payment used to be about 45%), and they leave their older passengers who have to travel at that time appreciative of what comes across as a very generous gesture. And, yes it is generous, as they've decided not to charge full whack and take full advantage of the opportunity to increase their income - so THANK YOU, Faresaver.