We all use abbreviations - sometimes too much for our own good, and almost always too much for our newcomers and guests. Here are over 100 I came up with in the last hour from "around here", most of which are railway related.
Please help by posting up those that I have missed - when we reach 125 I'll sort them and leave them in a prominent place!106 Section 106 - private developer funds for public infrastructure
121 Older generation train - some now being reused
125 Main line express trains in use on most services, from 1970s
142 Type of train in use on local services from Exeter
143 Type of train in use on some Bristol local services
150 Trains used on slower routes in the West
153 Single coach trains intended for lighter loaded servcies
158 Trains used on Regional routes such as Cardiff to Portsmouth
165 Trains used on commuter routes (and sometimes beyond) from Paddington
166 Trains used on commuter routes (and sometimes beyond) from Paddington
180 Main line express trains - "Adelante" - being withdrawn from our area
47 Class of locomotive, largley retired and operating occasional specials
57 Class of locomotive used on the Penzance to Paddington Sleeper
67 Class of locomotive used on occasions where a contracted extra train is run
Adelante class 180 trains being withdrawn around now
AG Andrew Griffiths
AM Member of the Welsh Parliament (Welsh
MP▸ )
ASLEF» The Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen
ATW▸ Arriva Trains Wales
Avocet▸ Line from Exeter to Exmouth
AXC» Arriva Cross Country
B&H▸ Berks and Hants - Reading to Taunton via Westbury
BPW» Bristol Parkway
BR▸ British Rail
BTM▸ Bristol Temple Meads
Bustitution▸ the practise of replacing trains by buses
CANBER▸ Campaign Against the New Beeching Report
CDR▸ Cheap Day Return
CW▸ Christian Wolmar
DfT» Department for Transport
DM Dilton Marsh
DOO▸ Driver Only Operation
ECML▸ East Coast Main Line
EK▸ Economy Klaus
FCC▸ First Capital Connect
FGW▸ First Great Western
FOSBR▸ Friends of Bristol Suburban Railways
GC» Great Central
GNER▸ Great North Eastern Railways
GOSW» Government Offices South West
GWML▸ Great Western Main Line
H&S▸ Health and Saftey
HST▸ High Speed Train (Inter City 125 units)
IEP▸ Intercity Express Program
IRUG» Ivybridge Rail Users Group
Jacobs Company who produced reports on which current service level is based
JCN▸ Junction
Laira Laira, Plymouth (Depot)
MEP▸ Member of European Parliament
MKM» Melksham
MRDG» Melksham Railway Development Group
MTLS▸ More Train Less Strain
MTU▸ Motor Traction Unit
NeX National Express - parent company of Wessex Trains
NR» Network Rail
NRES▸ National Rail Enquiry Service
NSE▸ Network South East
OOC▸ Old Oak Common
ORCAT System for allotting fares between operators - what does it stand for?
ORR» Office of the Rail Regulator
PERTIS▸ Permission to travel machines
PF▸ Penalty Fare
PHP The programming language used on this web site
PPM‡ Parry People Mover
PPM Pence Per Mile
PW▸ Permanent Way
RMT▸ National Union of Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers
RPI▸ Revenue Protection Inspector
RSS▸ Regional Spatial Strategy
SDO▸ Selective Door Opening
SDR Standard Day Return
SLC▸ Service Level Committment
SMF▸ Simple Machines Forum - The software we use on this site
SOR Standard Open Return
SPAD▸ Signal Passed at Danger
SPM▸ St Philip's Marsh
SRA» Strategic Rail Authority
SRUG▸ Saltash Rail User Group
SSTC▸ Strategically Significant Towns and Cities
STAG▸ Severn Tunnel Action Group
STT▸ Save the Train
SWL▸ South Wales Line
SWPTUF▸ South West Passenger Transport User's Forum
SWT▸ South West Trains
T2000▸ Transport 2000 (now campaign for better transport)
TIC▸ Tourist Information Centre
TIIS▸ Train Infrastructure Interface Program
TM‡ Train Manager
TOC Train Operating Company
TPH▸ Trains Per Hour
TransWilts Line from Swindon to Westbury and on to Salisbury
Turbo Class 165 and 166 trains used on Thames Valley services
TV Thames Valley
TVM▸ Ticket Vending Machine
TWSW Travel Watch South West
VFML Vehicle Mounted Flange Lubricaters
VXC▸ Virgin Cross Country - former franchise
WC▸ Wiltshire Council (name for new Unitary Authority)
WCC▸ Wiltshire County Council
WCML▸ West Coast Main Line
Wessex Name of franchise who used to run the regoional and local trains in he West
WHM▸ Well House Manor (where I work - please excuse
WWDC» West Wilts District Council
WWRUG» West Wilts Rail User Group
XC▸ Cross Country franchise trains (now run by Arriva)
Zulu Special Train
As a general rule, I have excluded people's initials - but I've made an exception to that where people are mentioned within a number of posts on the site by those initials and / or where they're very much in a
PR▸ role and it's their desire (or rather job) to be prominent