Station Manager
« on: January 24, 2008, 19:38:47 » |
Reading the posts on this web site, reliable train services is the top of most peoples requirements.
Let me look at this issue today and how it was under BR▸ .
In the BR days trains did break down but untill the HST▸ introduction, all Western Region trains had buffers and if a train became a total failure the following train could 95% of the time be brought up to the Rear and push the failure forwards, or a rescue engine sent wrong line to the front to coupled up and drag the train forward.
Today often a total failure is that, and assistance from the rear is not an Option, because of different coupling types. Resuce from the front these days can be tricky, some times possible, but more often than not a total failure is stuck untill fitters can arrive on the scene, this of courses causes real misery to the public.
More often trains fail before starting a journey because of safety issues, under BR with drivers and guards being muilt-disciplined if an express service failed, say at Swansea a local unit would be used to work the service to Cardiff where a spare express train would connect and work forward.
When FGW▸ get round to harmonising grades this would become an option once again. Spare stock however, well BR had a bit laying around to cover for failures, relief trains and strengthing services when needed. Today with Rosco's charging for every unit there is no spare stock, this is wrong, hire a tv from a shop and if it breaks down a spare tv is provided by the shop. The Rosco's should have spare stock supplied at various locations to cover for failed trains.
Today servicing of trains is done at depots like Old Oak in London, Laira in Plymouth, however the resources to investigate failures are not in place, and units or HST failures don't get investigated as they should, no dis-respect to the fitters, the work they can do is limited by time and the need to get a train back to work. It's frustrating to train crew and fitters that the trains suffer from repetitive failures.
In BR days all coaching stock had the Letters SP and a date on the external left hand end, SP was shopping projected and was (I believe) done every 18 months when stock would visit works for a inspection, lifting from bogies, and any work required done, however stock having repetitive failures would be sent to works earlier than the SP date.
There was a lot of pride in BR workshops (Crewe, Derby, Eastleigh, Glasgow, Swindon, York) how many people realised that all screwheads inside a MKI coach were tightened and left with the screw head slots in alignment, no that wasn't excessive it was pride in the work that the staff were taught.
BR wasn't perfect but it provided value for money that today's railway doesn't. Given the money that poors into todays shareholders pockets and BR would have been the most upto date railway in the world.
What do other people think?
Station Manager.