The applicant will presumable have agreed to a delay in determining the application so they can try and resolve the objection from NR» .
I have now found an e-mail dated 13 January from the planning officer Claire Boobier to NR, confirming that
"the application was deferred at Planning Committee this morning in part to await confirmation of whether or not Network Rail can withdraw the holding objection on the application prior to the determination of the planning application at Planning Committee."
The demands made by NR are pretty major considerations, as the committee agenda shows:
3.39 Network Rail has placed a holding objection on the application commenting that this scheme has not considered the stability of the slope or the impact this may have on the operational railway.
3.40 Network Rail considers the proposal is a risk and hazard to the safe operation of the railway and has not fully identified or mitigated the following risks:
^ The potential increase of loading(s) on the cutting slope, have not been identified/mitigated.
^ The potential for issues with the tunnel loading.
^ They would also object to any trees being planted on Network Rail property.
As the drainage report only addresses issues with regard to the new build above the railway, Network Rail considers that the following information is required:
^ Construction methods of drainage towards the railway
^ Construction details of cellular attenuation tank. This is to include cross sections and ground conditions within the surrounding area.
^ Drainage outfall details adjacent to the railway
^ Full construction details within the tunnel portal area of land R78288.
^ Ground investigation report with trial pit and bore holes.
^ How well the drainage system will be maintained and signed statement.
Until the above requested documents have been received and reviewed to ensure that the proposed development will not adversely affect Network Rail^s assets, their objection to this proposal will remain.
3.41 Stability of the cliff is considered within the ^Contaminated Land Assessment^ but Network Rail has advised that this does not address their drainage concerns as highlighted above.
3.42 Network Rail has serious concerns that the proposal, if permitted, could destabilise the cliff as the area concerned has a high profile of cliff failures and associated rock stabilisation works having to be carried out. The main line railway has recently had to be shut as a result of damage to the sea wall caused by storms and before they were able to re-open the railway they also had carefully controlled sea cliff collapses and therefore know there are potential issues in this locality.
Pretty big stuff! Also, I have found that Plymouth City Council lodged an objection the day before the committee meeting, citing the strategic importance of the railway to the city and the whole peninsula. It seems no-one told them about this application!
There are buildings there already, which will be demolished to make way for the development, but they are small in comparison. The Planning Officer asked NR's man with a hi-vis and clipboard:
...could you advise of the likely timeframe for when Network Rail may be able to update Teignbridge District Council planning department on the outcome of their considerations of the information submitted to Network Rail by the applicant?
My reply would be:
"I shall treat it as urgent. I need to check on everything, so give me a couple of years, and I'll get back to you."