no-one seems particularly surprised that it didn't work yesterday, however I doubt they expected it to be quite that spectacularly bad.
I am surprised and disappointed that things went as bad as they did, I know how much planning and effort is put into the Christmas work. Contingency plans are put in place to allow for some over run. There are T minus 12, 8, 6, 4, 2 and 1 week review panels which are lead by a senior manager outside of the project team the panel includes reps from Route Ops and Asset Managers, from T minus 2 weeks it can go to almost daily reviews; on top of this there is a whole rift of interdisciplinary checks and reviews by the engineering team to ensure the designs are correct.
The post mortem into these events will have already started, indeed the causes will already be logged, each major renewals weekend like this the
NR» organisation has a "War Room" for each programme which is usually headed by a program director. Conference calls are held every 2 hours with the NR Route Ops are involved and the
TOC▸ 's are advised of progress. When a site manager becomes aware there is problem or a potential problem they will call this in straight away (e.g. a critical piece of plant has failed). Progress is also recorded on site electronically and emailed into the "War Room" Senior Managers and Programme Directors are on call and will attend sites, the Programme Directors involved in these works almost certainly will have conference calls with NR Executives even the
CEO▸ more than likely on both Christmas and Boxing Days.
The project I was involved in on Boxing Day removed some of the planned tasks, because there had been some problems early on, this was done to avoid an overrun, this of course has a consequence of finding the access and manpower to complete this work before Easter.
Unfortunately these 2 events have detracted from the 16 day major rebuild work going on a London Bridge, Reading viaduct works, Watford and countless other major bits of work that all went on or are happening now without delays, 11,000 people working over Christmas on infrastructure renewals / enhancements equals a lot going on.