Providing additional capacity along the route due to heavier passenger loadings on Fridays. Only a 153 which comes ECS▸ from Bristol and which runs ECS direct Bristol to Exeter on other days.
Ah yes - I see - 5E01, 12:49
BRI» to Exeter which runs Monday to Thursday, and - 5J93, 14:09 BRI to Westbury on Friday only.
Out of interest, when does it go out of service. It isn't the unit that forms part of the 0812 Bristol to Swindon which then runs up to Gloucester before being taken out of service by any chance? Just thinking how many 153's are sitting idle and where at various points in the day and what else they might be doing.
It comes to westbury ECS from Bristol. Leaves Bristol around 1409. I can't work out from realtime trains where it comes from before Bristol- either 2v93 (from Weymouth) or 2k23 (from avonmouth) as they are the only two services arriving at Bristol and not having an obvious departure out again, unless a carriage is taken from a 150/153 joint working
I'm not sure how it gets to Bristol. I've asked about 153 units around the system during the day previously, and learned that they're there to cover for any failures - indeed I noticed (yesterday?) that a Gloucester to Bristol service was reported running as 1 carriage not two, and that it was due to overcrowded due to an "unusually large passenger flow". I remember thinking at the time that the 'full and standing' was probably due to an unusually short train rather than more passengers than usual.

... there's probably a connection between that formation change and the cancellation of the Westbury - Exeter service, thinking about it - a 150 breakdown, and the 153 that was headed for Exeter took its place - robbing Westbury to serve Gloucester, probably a good call bearing in mind the "full and standing" report.
I'm not sure just how much / many odd 153s are idle during the day - not all that many, I suspect. However, I'm not convinced that off-peak service boosts without peak time boosts, making use of them, would gain too much. Combined with other long turn arounds such as 16:38 to 17:11 at Westbury and 16:24 to 17:54 at Swindon, there are jigsaw pieces around which we've wondered about over the years and in combination with a daytime 153 they were one of the ways that some of us wondered about providing a TransWilts improvement. The provision of an extra carriage in the area, though, has met the first-step need for a more appropriate TransWilts service in a more robust way (ironic, that, considering the current reliability issues due to repeated signalling failures). Looking at it now, and with the huge success of the single diagram daytime and peak service on the TransWilts, perhaps an
appropriate service is hourly, and this resource as modified by electrification changes in due course could be used to provide some of those extras?