Quoting (unusually) a full email from my mailbox as Christina has copied a lot of people and also asked for help in getting people to look at this further.
Save Avonmouth Station Building has a reprieve! DfT» ^60m stations fund deadline is extended to Friday 12 June - a partner TOC▸ or local authority is needed - please email your support in whatever way you are able to help!Hi all,
Great news - We have a potential stay of execution for Avonmouth Station Building!
Further to the last email, I have just discovered that the deadline for the DfT ^60m Station development fund has been extended to Friday 12 June 2015!
(you may recall the original deadline was Friday 29 May, ie today!)
So relax, and read on at leisure!
Here below is the link to the DfT ^60m ^pot^, with all the details of who qualifies as a partner and what projects qualify for the funds. Extract and summary case (and plea) below; relevant
http://www.networkrail.co.uk/aspx/12458.aspx We primarily need a partner (like a TOC,or local council, or perhaps WEP??) ^
FOSBR▸ will do all the legwork and paperwork to actually put in the bid for the funds by the Friday 12 June deadline, bar the crucial signatures.
Clearly being a partner does entail a responsibility to see the project to restore Avonnmouth Station Building through, but again FOSBR will do all we can to help you with the paperwork and legwork to see the restoration of Avonmouth Station Building through to completion, but with the delivery of the Henbury Loop Passenger Service (a MetroWest Phase 2 project supervised by S Glos and WEP officers) we would hope that the building can then be used once more as a ticket office, bike store, caf^, upholstery workshop, mini museum about the Henbury Loop or Port of Avonmouth or Transatlantic Slave Trade, or all these in one!!
So please could each of you who qualify as a partner consider carefully if you feel able to be named as a partner on the funding application for this DfT ^60m pot, deadline Friday 12 June, ie in two weeks^ time?
We will be at all the usual council meetings and stakeholder meetings and will of course be attempting to talk to anyone who is willing to listen to explain what the commitment involves.
See some of you on Tues 2 June 6pm at the
BCC» EGM at the Brunel Passenger Shed at Temple Meads ^ I will be wearing my usual bright yellow FOSBR T-shirt.
In renewed hope,
Christina Biggs
On behalf of Friends of Suburban Bristol Railways (FOSBR)
Follow ups from others closer to this than I am are very welcome - I post this with limited knowledge. Also please let me know if you would like me to post / forward intermediate information (one document in particular has been widely circulated, but isn't to my knowledge cleared for publication)