Anyway - a bit of a change from the usual story of delays and cancellations! There is a serious point though - when the guard announces that we should 'report anything suspicious' we see - what are we likely to be letting ourselves in for?
Have you heard of the saying "don't shoot the messenger". Regrettably, Mike, by reporting something like this you (and I had I done so) are likely to be looked on as a suspect. Not necessarily just an
FGW▸ problem ... I've stuck my head above the parrapit (ick, I can't spell) with regards to some issues on my local service and people look and me with a degree of suspision and say "ah - so how is HE involved - how will HE profit if it get's sorted".
In response to another message this morning, I wrote a piece headed
Passengers or Customers ... and I think you had a guard (and refer to a station crew at Weston) who see you as the former not the latter.