In case you've not seen it, there was a
report written by Atkins for Network rail, covering all the planning implications of electrification. Presumably they submitted it to West Berkshire Council, though it does say:
This document and its contents have been prepared and are intended solely for Network Rail‟s information and use in relation to the Great Western Main Line Overhead Electrification.
Atkins Limited assumes no responsibility to any other party in respect of or arising out of or in connection with this document and/or its contents.
I guess that just means WBC can't sue them, only
NR» can.
Anyway, it includes the footbridge at Thatcham station on P9 -
Thatcham Station Footbridge (No. BHL 4946)
The footbridge provides access to the two platforms of Thatcham station across the BHL. The
footbridge would be demolished and reconstructed to increase the clearance necessary for
installing the OLE▸ . The works would be at some point in 2013 or 2014 and would take 8 to 10
weeks. The worksite would be located at the eastern end of the station car park to the south of
the BHL.
There's nothing more about the new bridge itself. The West Berkshire Council website has these items in its planning data:
Screening request - Parapet works
Ref. No: 12/00287/SCREEN | Status: Application not required
Screening request - Parapet works
Ref. No: 14/01494/SCREEN | Status: Application not required
Erection of new footbridge
Ref. No: 87/28166/
ADD▸ | Status: Approved
The last of these is now removed or restricted.
The other two relate to a block request for environmental impact assessments on parapet works for seven footbridges. These (and other overbridges) need their parapets raised to 1.8 m to comply with
EU» requirements for safety. Actually it was an environmental impact assessment assessment, which assessed that an environmental impact assessment was not needed.