The reluctance to provide a buffet is partly due to the space taken up, removing or downgrading catering will provide more of the famous "thousands of extra seats" Remember that most of the new trains are much shorter than those they are to replace, and that even the full length ones offer only a modest increase if compared to a high density HST▸ .
That argument is irrelevant since both the 5-car and 9-car variants of
IEP▸ are planned to have level 1 catering (full kitchen) on board, taking up space which could be used for seating. The issue is that it takes up seating at the end of the train rather than a coach or two further along, where it could be reached by standard class pax too.
As IndustryInsider said above, we should all be using the 'proper channels' (which I assume involves writing to your
MP▸ ,
DfT» and FirstGW, I've already done the latter and have tried to get at DfT via Passenger Focus as I'm not sure they'll take note if I write to them direct. I wrote to my MP several times about IEP a while ago and plan to do so again to remind him). My letters have mentioned the catering issue, but I've maining focused on an even bigger concern: the over emphasis on 5-car sets. Could anyone who agrees with me please write to DfT/MP/FirstGW also.
Personally, I think the
GWML▸ fleet should look more like this (diagrams):
- 22x 9-car 'electric'
- 13x 9-car bi-mode
- 8x 5-car bi-mode
I think that would be a vastly more sensible fleet for the GWML than the planned 35 5-car bi-modes. That's 33 diagramed vehicles more than the current plan, but I've come up with the following plan which would release 34 diagrammed vehicles from the
ECML▸ IEP fleet AND provide stock for an electrified
MML» without ordering any more new rolling stock (again, the numbers are diagrams):
- 14x IEP 9-car bi-mode (split 4 for MML, 10 for ECML)
- 8x IEP 5-car bi-mode (split equally between ECML and MML)
- 11x IEP 8-car 'electric' (for MML only)
- 14x IEP 9-car 'electric' (for ECML only)
- 26x IC225 (8 for MML, 18 for ECML)