I'm posting this here simply as an interesting comparison as to what the equivalent effects would be if, just for example, a freight train were to derail between Bridgwater and Taunton.
the BBC» :
Lorry crash closes lane on M5 southbound in SomersetOne of the lorry drivers is being treated at Musgrove Park Hospital for "serious arm injuries"One lane of the M5 will remain closed overnight after two lorries crashed, leaving one of the vehicles overturned and blocking the carriageway.The crash happened on the motorway between Bridgwater and Taunton at just after 03:00 BST.
Fire crews said a broken down lorry on the hard shoulder had been struck by another lorry, which then overturned.
One of the drivers, a man in his 50s, is being treated for "serious arm injuries", police said.
At 13:25 one lane reopened southbound but the Highways Agency said there were reports of continuing traffic delays while works takes place to reopen lane two.
"A fully signed diversion is in place along the A38 from Junction 24," a spokesman said.
The overturned lorry blocked all three lanes of the southbound carriageway"Drivers are advised to make sure they have sufficient water in their cars and are reminded not to park on the hard shoulder so emergency vehicles can maintain access to the site," he said.
Ch Insp Rhys Hughes said motorists were advised to seek alternative routes and avoid the area wherever possible.
He said: "I appreciate the closure will have caused problems for commuters this morning and I thank the public for their continued patience while we deal with this incident."
So, between 03:00 and 13:25 the whole of the M5 southbound was blocked, and only since then has one lane out of the three been open. I'm merely interested to compare what the travelling public's reaction would have been, had an equivalent closure been caused on the railway.