Sympathise entirely with the Driver. We are all only human at the end of the day... Well I'm not, I'm a fish I guess

I was talking to a Bus Driver on the 267 Route a couple of weeks back. One of the things he raised was when he left a 'Key Stop/Timing Point' 5 minutes early. This happened because "he read the sheet wrong" - Very annoying if you're waiting for that bus and you just miss it, but a simple mistake and is just one of those things. Not done deliberately.
It would not surprise me at all if the driver misread the diagram sheet and thought it said PASS Twyford and not to call there. There was a Signaller error a while back where The Cornishman had a Westbury Avoid line path set. Fortunately the driver was able to contact the signaller to demand a WTF explanation and be given the path to Westbury station.
If the train had passed a Red Signal then
ATP▸ would have done it's job and the train would have stopped. The train would probably then be cancelled due to "An operational incident." and the driver relieved from duty. I saw some of the comments on Twitter and I did remember thinking if some of the tweeters had any common sense.
ATP throws in an emergency brake application. If a
HST▸ is running at 125mph and the Emergency Brakes are applied, you'd know about it. First there is a violent jolt. Followed by a putrid smell from the brake pipe. Then if you're sat at the trailing bogie end of the carriage, you'll almost feel the carriage trying to bounce up and down as it judders along. Eventually the train will stop, but stop hard and suddenly and not 'gently' as if to stop at a station or signal the driver is expecting to see at Danger (Red).
In the IT Industry I see similar things happen all the time. It's amazing how just adding an extra 1 or another number to a firewall command can bring an entire network to it's knees.
Or the time you press send on an email without attaching that PDF you've just spent an hour working on to the document.
Then there is the classic, sending an email to your manager about an annoying/rude/irritating customer, too that customer...