Otherwise, it's historic, going back to Network SouthEast era. That area was the recognised commuting area for London, and the Government of the day actually kept fare amounts restricted to affordable figures for commuting, while fares outside the area were unrestricted in what could be charged. Peterborough has the same problem.
You mean that it is all managed by a London based government of commuters who cannot upset there little world at the expense of the rest of the country.
One could argue that Oxford fares are too low, not that Swindon fares are too high.
I could live with that to some extent if it would stop my fares growing further.
There would be a very valid reason to price rail travel across the country by pence/pounds per mile, with off-peak fares set at a % below these fares, and Advance fares set at whatever level the TOCs▸ felt they could still sell enough of them at.
What a very good idea, it would of course have to be phased in over a period of years. If there is a premium for using track which is in high demand than the charge per mile could be increased for that section so that is was borne equally by all users. In like fashion government or councils and
PTEs▸ could subsidise the per mile rate on some routes (for all users) and these per mile rates could decrease.
I would even consider allowing a premium for non-stop high speed trains provided there was always a slower alternative. However, I recognise this might create more problems than it solves.
Otherwise, I'm a nimby, and would fight to protect my season from Banbury. It's extremely good value with the massive availability it gives you.
That makes me feel alot better that that is what I am paying for. I must remember that the people of Banbury are so needy that they must be supported by the people of Swindon.
A further reflection. If fares are lower around Oxford because there is competition that are
FGW▸ (and even government as franchising authority) abusing the monopoly position in Swindon and the the West where there is no competition? If that is the case should there not be an investigation of rail fares by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)?
Sorry mods I seem to have hijacked this thread.