From the
Swindon Advertiser:
TRAINS through Swindon ground to a halt last weekend as police had to get on the tracks to arrest a pair of teenage vandals.
On Saturday at 7pm, officers from the North Swindon neighbourhood policing team had to order services running through the Swindon main line to stop immediately after receiving reports of two teenagers trespassing on the tracks.
The pair were reportedly spray-painting graffiti on the railway bridge over Purton Road, and officers were forced to put themselves at risk to clamber on to the live track to stop them.
Two 17-year-olds from the Swindon area were arrested and taken in for inquiries, and an investigation by the British Transport Police is currently under way.
The pair have now been bailed until next month, pending further inquiries.
Wiltshire Police are warning of the dangers of trespassing on the railway tracks for whatever reason, particularly considering the imminent installation of live electric cables.
A spokesman for Wiltshire Police said: ^Two youths were arrested for graffiti on the railway. They are on police bail while the investigation is completed.
^Officers from the North neighbourhood policing team had to have the trains stopped in order to go on to the tracks to safely recover the offenders. ^This was not only very dangerous for the officers but also the youths involved.
^This happened on the main line into Swindon. ^British Transport Police attended from Bristol and are currently investigating the offence.
^This is a timely reminder about the dangers of the railways, and that soon Swindon will be getting overhead electric cables on the railway.^
British Transport Police have now taken over the investigation after the neighbourhood policing teams made the initial arrests.
A spokesman for British Transport Police said: ^British Transport Police and Wiltshire Police officers were called to the railway line at Purton Road, Swindon, on Saturday, June 7 after a report of youths trespassing on railway property.
^Officers from Wiltshire Police arrived on the scene first and arrested two 17-year-old youths from Swindon ^A British Transport Police-led investigation is ongoing. The youths were interviewed and released on police bail until Monday, July 7 pending further inquiries.^
If anyone has any suspicions of people accessing the rail lines they should call Wiltshire Police on non-emergency number 101.