Sounds a good idea IF true. Hopefully able to take a 10 car, not 5+5 IET▸ . And yes I know that they are not that length now, but planning for the future?
It has been talked about, but I've heard of no definite green light for it to happen yet.
It would certainly be sensible for each road to be able to take two 5-car units, and therefore a 9-car, though looking at the land available getting all three sidings to be the required length might be a stretch. I would imagine funding would only be provided for the minimum of what is required and I think any thoughts of 9-car trains being extended to 10-car can now be parked in the siding (if you will excuse the pun) for
many years given recent events. On that basis I would not be surprised if something like two 9-car and one 5-car length is what will eventually be provided. That is pure speculation on my part though.