Closures, Cancellations, Delays ... all make the headlines. Services that operate as normal or near-normal miss out from the news. And the net result is a media picture being painted that's suggesting that a great wedge of the
UK▸ westwards from London is closed. That's far from the case ...
From Melksham in Wiltshire, I bring you the news
we are open for business!
And I'm posting this "Across the West" because I suspect the same story would be told to you in Salisbury, in Bath, in Gloucester, in Newport, in Swindon, in Basinstoke, in Avonmouth, in Weston-super-Mare and in Bristol. Advise that blankets the message "Don't travel unless you have to" from national organisations may well reduce the pressure on them to get people around in difficult circumstances and may make their lives easier, but it can also put people off and have a serious impact on businesses and towns that are NOT flooded out, are NOT cut off, and could really do without official advise that's overdramatic for their particular case.
So - what do I suggest? A more measured approach that says allow extra time / don't travel at the height of the peak / accept that your journey may take longer / perhaps stay overnight rather than commuting ... but, please, don't cancel your plans to visit Wiltshire because of pictures you see of a village further west on the Somerset levels.
Here's what I've put up on Facebook - a local reminder that, windy though it is outside, we're not a disaster zone!