February 7th ... the TransWilts
CRP▸ AGM▸ , and also a visit by Baroness Kramer, Minister of State for Transport at the Department for Transport to Wiltshire, to see projects at Westbury station that were lead by the Heart of Wessex / West Wilts Rail User Group, and to visit the TransWilts line and help launch the new service.
Annual General MeetingThe TransWilts AGM had been long planned for that date, and we decided to carry on with the AGM, hosted by Wiltshire Council at County Hall in Trowbridge, rather that split the events onto two days.
AGM papers -
http://atrebatia.info/review_2014_02_01.pdfAGM draft minutes -
http://atrebatia.info/TWCRP_AGM_070214.pdfKey meeting decisions:
a) The current officers (Sion Bretton, Chair; Phil McMullen, Secretary; Chris Hankin, Treasurer, Peter Blackburn, Vice Chair; and Graham Ellis, Press and Publicity) were re-elected en-bloc, with all in favour.
b) Graham Ellis presented the business plan to the meeting. This would form part of the group^s application to membership of
ACoRP▸ , along with the Constitution. There were no questions raised on the business plan.
c) To present and consider application to join ACoRP. Peter Blackburn proposed and Sion Breton seconded a motion that the
TWCRP» apply for ACoRP membership. All present were in favour of the proposal. There were no abstentions.
d) Next AGM - 6th February 2015, venue to be advised.