Well I've learnt something new! I always thought it was all children under 5 travelled free. Not that it was limited to 2 per Adult.
A) I wouldn't make a charge for the third child. But the Adult would be charged obviously.
B) Children of staff get their passes issued at aged 5 until 16 (and then some period afterwards if still in full time education. OU doesn't count).
C) I know that
FCC▸ offer a student connect 'slightly' discounted season ticket. I think chiltern issue a scholar ticket with its own restrictions.
TfL» issue child rate OysterCards with varying restrictions and periods which result in some 19 year olds getting child rate!!
If a child buys a season ticket when they are 15 and 364 days old (IE only just under 16) the season ticket can still be child rate up until 16 and 4 months old.
7-Day Season Tickets/Travelcards ^ Children pay the adult price on reaching their 16th birthday. If the birthday is after the first day of validity, a 7-Day Season Ticket at half rate will remain valid;
Period Season Tickets/Travelcards ^ A child who becomes 16 years old on the first day of a 'period' Season Ticket/Travelcards pays the adult rate. If the birthday is within the ticket^s validity period, but after the first day, the half rate ticket will continue to be valid, but needs to expire by up to a maximum of four months after the 16th birthday.
Holders of Transport for London Child Oyster▸ Photocards, including ^16+^ Oyster Photocards, should be issued with child rate ^In-Boundary^ period Travelcards not to expire later than the expiry date of the Oyster Photocard.