In one way I would not like to see too many enthusiasts on the new services as they are only formed by a 153. When 37 & Coaches worked on a Saturday via Heart of Wales Line at the start of the 90s there was no room for genuine passengers as it was too full of "Bashers".
There should be plenty of space ... we're not looking at a single working, but rather at a single carriage (yes) lots of times. I've highlighted one or two pinch-points in this message which I'll be emailing out when I get back to the
It's just a week away ... the start of an improved train service
on the TransWilts line. The following are quick links to First
Great Western's timetables:
Westbury to Swindon services: to Trowbridge and Westbury via Melksham and Salisbury to Swindon and Chippenham via Melksham ** 4th / 5th December
Volunteers plan to travel on the early morning Westbury to Bath trains
to hand out flyers and new timetables to commuters doglegging to
Chippenham and Swindon. And on 5th December, we've got a final
lead-up meeting and Santa present wrapping session in the evening.
** 8th December
The first new train leaves Westbury at 10:30 on Sunday, 8th December.
When it gets to Melksham (10:44), there will be a brief welcome
before it's waved on its way up to Chippenham and Swindon.
Please do come along and see the train off!
If you want a ride, further trains leave Westury at 13:32, 16:29
and 18:50 on the Sunday (5 minutes later from Trwbridge, or 15
later from Melksham), and each of these returns from Swindon after
a few minutes there. Please avoid the 17:16 from Westbury /
17:30 from Melksham, as that train will be full of prebooked
passengers and children coming to see Santa on the train.
** 9th December
The first morning commuter / business trains from Westbury -
at 07:04 and 07:28. Duncan Hames
MP▸ joining at 07:38 in
Trowbridge and will travel on train to Swindon, returning to
Chippenham on the 08:49 to Chippenham.
** 9th to 13th December
** 16th to 20th Decemeber
Eight trains each way per day. Please try out the service
** Saturdays 14th and 21st December
** Sundays 15th and 22nd December
Saturday and Sunday service - last minute Christmas shopping? The
Outlet Center in Swindon is just 10 minute walk from the station.
** Christmas and New Year period
24th December - normal service
25th December - no service
26th December - no service
27th December ^ the six new services run.
28th December - 08:20, 09:06, 10:33, 12:36, 16:01, 17:32 and 18:22
Return at 08:36, 10:36, 13:05, 16:17, 17:36, 19:36 and 21B00
29th December - normal Sunday service except final train is bus
30th December - trains into Swindon at 08:01, 16:48 and 19:36,
return at 08:22, 17:06 and 19:01. extra journeys by bus each way
31st December near normal service but First train not running
1st January - service starts with 10:34 arrival into Swindon
2nd January - normal service
Initial feedback as you use the service will be much appreciated -
whilst there's been a lot of planning going on, things may crop up
that we should be aware of.
Hope to see you in the trains or at the stations. Enjoy!