Taking this slightly toilet bound but very relevant nonetheless.
So someone who has a disability who needs to use an accessibility compliant facility has priority over someone who is already in it? Errr no... It doesn't. In most places baby changing facilities are provided in disabled toilets so it's a very similar scenario. So should I have the right to turf out a mother changing a baby? No. Of course not. The facility is provided as appropriate, that very moment in time it was in use and I needed to wait my turn.
So I think it's poor form for the case to go to the Supreme Court over a point of priority for Disabled Passengers rather than equality.
That being said. Those who are fully able-bodied and exploit what is a basic necessity for some passengers/users less fortunate are the ones I think the original case was getting at.
It is a rather sensitive issue and there really is no ideal solution. The basic fact of the matter is simple. If someone less fortunate needs the space and it is being used inappropriately. Then it should be provided. If it is already occupied by someone with greater needs. Then the facility offering has reached capacity and that's just unfortunate.
I can see some very bad case law in the making here if people aren't careful......
Sadly, some folk are still very much in the belief that disability confines you to a wheelchair. A guesstimate survey
for every 100 people in the UK▸ ... 4 of them will suffer with Crohns Disease or Colitis (Forms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease) ... So that means in a hypothetical group of myself and 100 people. 96 of them will have better digestive systems than I do

How many of those would assume that all is well with me?
Then how many would assume everything in my quirky little head is in order?
Fact is... Most are very quick to pass judgment which can have rather controversial and even embarrassing results...
Going off on a tangent now... But the hoodie has come out because of the recent cold weather... I have noticed a sudden rise in ticket checks in First Class and being more closely observed by store detectives... Just another reason why judging is bad... Even though I perhaps do it myself in some cases