Surely all these services that are either stopping short of their destination or starting from a station further down the route is a breach of franchise. If it isn't I don't know what is.
Sorry for the rant everyone but this is happening EVERYDAY at the moment and it just isnt good enough when you can't rely on whether the service you turn up at the station for is going to turn up.
Here is an e-mail exchange that I had with Peter West of the
DfT» in January 2007 on related matters :
Dear Mr West ,
I am writing to ask you take urgent enforcement action to secure First Great Western's compliance with the Greater Western Franchise service specification. As you can see from the link below ,
FGW▸ are clearly not complying with section F5. situation is completely unacceptable from a passenger point of view. For example , NO trains at all called at Melksham station on 16/01/2007 OR 17/01/2007. There was no problem with the line , as two expresses were diverted over it.
Please could you reply stating what action you propose to take as soon as possible. I have copied in certain Melksham passengers who are just as anxious as I am see this situation resolved.
Yours Sincerely
Lee Fletcher
The reply :
Apologies that I have not been able to respond to you sooner. The franchise agreement works a little differently from the way you understand it and there does not appear to have been a breach of it in relation to the Melksham line specifically. However, this does not mean that either we view what has been happening as acceptable and you may be aware of strong statements to this effect by Ministers in Parliament. Equally, FGW have assured us that it has been taking a wide range of steps to bring operations back to proper levels of service.
I see from your e-mail of 29 January to Alison Forster that you are aware of the steps which FGW has been taking to restore operation of the services it inherited from Wessex Trains to an acceptable level of reliability. We continue to monitor the situation closely and, as I have said before to you, the sort of information coming up from users is a helpful part of this picture.
Peter West
Franchise Manager