The fundamental problem though is that by taking 220 seats off what was already a very crowded service, FGW▸ have caused this gross overcrowing problem
How crowded was it when it was an IC125? Would it have been ok if they reduced it by 173 seats instead of 220? If not, I'm afraid those unfortunate enough to be using that service (thankfully I'm not one of them) will have to get used to it. Or complain like hell to
DfT» , because a 315 seat 5-car unit is what they are likely to get in future. The DfT's daft modeled diagrams for
IEP▸ shows the following for Cotswolds services out of Paddington:
- 13:46 PAD» - Hereford 5-car
- 14:46 PAD - Worcester 5-car
- 15:46 PAD - Hereford 5-car
- 16:46 PAD - Worcester 5-car
- 17:46 PAD - Hereford 10-car to Worcester 5-car Worcester to Hereford
So, not only will the 15:46 be 5-car, so will the Cotswolds services out of PAD before and after it. In fact, the every service
from Paddington
to Hereford/Worcester are shown as being 5-car throughout except the 17:46 shown above and the 18:46 which is shown as 10-car right through to Hereford. In the other direction it is a similar story, with two 10-car workings (05:12 Worcester-PAD and 05:26 Hereford-PAD) and everything else 5-car.
The caveats given in the draft diagrams document are as follows:
The timetables in this file have been developed solely for the purposes of establishing diagrams and rolling stock requirements,
to enable the Train Service Provider to develop a stabling and maintenance strategy and to estimate Set Availability Payments.
They do not necessarily match the most recent timetables used in the IEP Business Case.
The train frequencies, journey times and calling patterns in this file should therefore not be regarded as a aspirations or proposals.
In addition, the fleet deployment shown in this file is only one option, and Franchise bidders will be free to propose alternatives.
Franchise bidders can't conjure 9-car bi-modes out of thin air though, the order needs to be varied before too many driving vehicles get built.