On the other hand, car travellers often have the option of stopping at a motorway services for dinner (although on the Manchester trips this year by car, there was nothing much between Oswestry and home (in Pembs.). On train dining would therefore be an advantage of rail travel, saving journey time by eating on the move, though in cases of short trains early/late openning full-dining facilities at stations might be the more feesable option.
We could also have all trains stop for a meal break during longer journeys - long distance coaches do it already, and I believe at one time it was proposed that all trains stop for at least 10 minutes at Swindon to allow people to get / buy refreshments - in fact I think the propel was actually implemented for a time

Of course stopping for a meal break would remove the convenience advantage of eating on the move. The comedy IC125 advert springs to mind:
When was the last time you went on a long business trip and your train had to stop for breakfast, stop for you to do some work etc.......
Substantial hot meals on-the-move would certainly be a benifit of rail travel, being able to eat a cooked breakfast on the train saved me getting up earlier to eat breakfast before catching the southbound
WAG» Express.
It's very interesting to see the starkly different rules here between First (bus) and First (train). On trains, by all means take your own food and drink [except alcoholic drink on the last train off Weymouth]. On buses, you can be threatened with arrest for even drinking water, and indeed that's happened to one of our members I recall [again, exceptions. It's OK if you're pregnant]
Since they allow exceptions (could that be regarded as discrimination?), there can't be an important reason (particularly for drinking water, which other bus operators permit, even eating cold food is sometimes permitted I think) for banning it in the first place.
E - For people who wear so much perfume, they give others headaches
Going back to buses, I'd much rather perfume was banned than food and drink. The smell of hot food is meerly irritating, and forbiding it makes the bus service less conventient.