There is some further desk-based evidence, in the track layout. There are two routes for the Penzance train from the Up Westbury to P8, one (presumably the usual one) leads nowhere else, the other is to approach P9 and use the "high agility" link to P8.
The conflict point for the usual route at the country end is at the points right at the entry to P8, while at the London end it is back at Kennet Junction. Thus the Penzance train does not block the Weston train unless it is actually in the platform, and the Up Westbury it would wait on is marked as bidirectional (but not fully signalled). The Down Main approaching Kennet Junction is not bidirectional, so seems a less likely candidate for a reversing manoeuvre.
The following down train was for Exeter, due 19:01, running 3 minutes behind the Weston train, which also makes reversing here an odd choice. The next train on the Up Westbury was from Basingstoke and reached P1 only 6 down at 19:06, on a path using the Down Westbury from well back. However, after that there were an
XC▸ from Bournemouth and a Newbury train, both of which got to P10 before the Penznce train was finally cleared (at 19:08 and 19:26).
Now the Penzance train was originally meant to use P9, before that was blocked, so its path would be as for P10 from Westbury Junction, not as usual for P8. So did it actually approach P8 that way? That would conflict with the Weston train from further out, as well as blocking the next two Up Westbury trains behind it. So perhaps it was taken into P8 to be reversed out onto the bidirectional line direct to Westbury Line Junction, which is long enough to park it while the stacked trains both ways get past.
Note also that the up path on leaving P9 and P8 join well before the conflict point at Kennet Junction. So the platform switch is no reason for the Weston train to be held too far forward.
That appears to be the limit of this desk-based approach: RealTimeTrains shows the Penzance train as waiting somewhere past Southcote Junction before entering P8 for 50 minutes - nothing about it going in and out and in again. What's needed now is some HUMINT to fill in the lacunae in the ELINT. If this report is of the Penzance train:
Once it left (country-bound), the Weston train arrived quite soon after.
where did it go at the platform exit (left or right) and how far?