I've become aware of the following job opportunities in Wiltshire to help deliver future travel ...
LSTF▸ - Travel Advisors: Bradford on Avon, Chippenham, Salisbury, Trowbridge
We are looking for people with friendly and engaging personalities, and a good conversational manner, to join our skilled and vibrant team delivering Wiltshire Council^s Personal Travel Planning project, part of the county^s Local Sustainable Travel Fund programme.
http://jobs.wiltshire.gov.uk/search-and-apply/details.aspx?nPostingID=1914&nPostingTargetID=2123&option=52&sort=DESC&respnr=1&ID=QBJFK026203F3VBQB7VV78NOP&Resultsperpage=10&lg=UK▸ &mask=wilext
Sustrans, Melksham and Trowbridge:
Sustrans, the charity that^s enabling people to travel by foot, bike or public transport for more of the journeys we make every day, is seeking an inspirational person to join our team in the south west