Cambridge is Britain's top cycling city: 16 riders on cycles in the video, only 3 were wearing helmets. And the chap who's job it is to promote cycle use wasn't one of them. He rode up helmetless.
...from which I infer that you think they should all be wearing helmets?
There are 'cyclists', and there are 'people on bikes'. Cyclists are sporty types who wear lycra and helmets. People on bikes are regular folk just getting around.
People on bikes shouldn't need helmets any more than pedestrians do, and
IMHO▸ everything possible should be done to make this form of cycling safer and more 'normal'. The Dutch, for the most part, don't wear them. But don't listen to me banging on about it,
here is a better argument than I can make . The key conclusion is that:
That is the lesson from the Netherlands, that we need more cyclists and better bike paths more than we need helmets
...oh, and one other thing: Just remember that cycling is the only pursuit that does you good even if you don't do it - everyone benefits from cleaner air and more road space.
Edit: Typo