These names may be useful if you want to try an approach from the top down. I also had reason to do the same with North Somerset Council when my first email was not responded to in 10 days. An email to the chief exec got the matter sorted in a couple of hours.
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Having trouble with Cross Country Customer Services ? Go to the top!
^ on: January 24, 2013, 01:57:22 PM ^
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An email to the Cross Country Customer Service Director ( after not having had a reply for 2 months after being promised a full reply within 10 days. I guessed the email address, and had this response within 24 hours!
I hope someone else finds this information useful.
Jeremy Higgins thanks you for your email and he has asked me to investigate and respond on his behalf.
Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in responding to you. It is true to say that due to the severe weather conditions our postbag has been unusually high and our response times have fallen behind what we normally achieve.
I can confirm that a letter with your travel vouchers will be sent from our department today.
Once again I am sorry for the delay in responding.
Kind regards
Pamela Johnson
Customer Relations Duty Manager