In circumstances like these, rather than immediately bring the train to a stand, possibly in the middle of nowhere / very difficult to reach - shouldn't consideration be given to allowing the train to coninue to next station - maybe only when location is close to PAD» as the stations aren't far apart & evacuation would be simple.
With train fires the best place to stop is ASAP, hopefully the Driver would use Judgement and avoid Stopping in/on
Tunnels, (worse possible place to have a fire), fill with smoke and Tunnels act as Chimneys.
Viaducts, causes Access problems for Emergency services, plus often very windy,
Stopping at a Station may seem a good Idea, is it? a fire can get out of control and why let fire take out a Train and Station canopy and buildings!
The best place to stop a train has to be near a Road access point
Level crossings come top for once.
IIRC▸ A train caught fire in the USA, the crew asked for permission to move the train whilst still a small fire.
Control said NO leave it, so the burning wagon(s) took out the wooden viaduct they were standing ON.