It is interesting to note that in most cases season tickets have increased in price by much less than single tickets.
It could reasonably be argued that season ticket holders are over subsidised, remembering that most travel in the peak.
Agree. Or perhaps full fare passengers are being bled dry.
I dont see why regular travelers should not get a discount by means of a season ticket, but the present differential does seem excessive.
Totally agree
I suspect that the reason for the large discount given to season ticket holders is at least partly political. The cost of an anual season ticket might influence for whom the ticket holder votes, especialy if an election falls near the date of the fare increase.
I think that is correct
The rising cost of single tickets is less likely to influence voting choice, since by definition most people dont buy that many single tickets (or they would buy a season, except in the rare case of someone who travels most days but to different destinations)
I think that is correct.
I have long held the view that the present regime is daft and over complicated.
It is clearly sensible to charge higher fares at peak times and lower fares in the off peak. I see no merit whatsoever in charging varying fares according to the date of booking, rather than according to the time and date of travel.
Just makes the headline look better to me.
To rub salt into the wound, the last minute traveler who has paid the highest fare often has to stand because the seats are booked by discounted ticket holders.
I have previously suggested that only 3 different fares should be payable for a given journey rather than the dozens available now.
On a busy service the full fare should be payable regardless of whether the ticket was purchased 10 minutes or 10 weeks before departure.
Likewise on poorly patronised services a more modest fare should be charged, even for last minute travel.
Weekly season tickets should be sold at a MODEST discount, compared to 5 peak time returns.
Monthly seasons should be 4 times the weekly price, and yearly at about 11 times the monthly price.
I agree the present discount is a kick in the teeth for those of us who have to fork out the full fare, particulalrly in the peak when the vast majority of season ticket holders are travelling.
Of course you could leave the season ticket prices the same and reduce the rest of the fares. Or perhaps more likely reduce the full fares and increase the season tickets to match.
First class when provided should be no more than twice the standard fare, and no cheaper than one and a half times the standard fare.
As an example, first class off peak, walk up from Taunton is about ^170, but standard is about ^40, there would seem to be case for making first no more than twice the standard fare, or say ^80 in this particular case.
I disagree with you on this one. I am happy to let the market decide what is the correct first class premium over standard.