So, a certain picture that has featured in this thread and others has a non-identical twin - used in France!
SNCF▸ R^seau \ Actualit^s19/01/2016
SNCF R^seau in partnership with the 7th European Day for Rail FretThe 7th European Day for Rail Fret, in partnership with SNCF R^seau, will take place on Tuesday, the 24st of March 2016 within SITL Europe.
Reed Exhibition, organizer of the SITL Europe, has associated with EUROGROUP CONSULTING agency to enhance the European outreach of the program.
In 2015, the third edition of the barometer, focused on the perception of rail transport shippers, was introduced in partnership with the shippers association AUTF, ECR, AFRA et SNCF R^seau, UIC, TLF, GNTC, Objectif OFP, UTP. This year, the fourth edition of this barometer will not only update the trends observed the two last years, but also shed light upon the shippers^ perception at the European level. The results will be presented in the morning of the opening on the 24st of March.
We value your opinion as a user of rail transport! And we invite you to respond to a survey available online. The survey takes 10 minutes to answer. It will be accessible until March 4th.
We thank you in advance for taking the time to participate to the barometer. It will help spread your opinion and broaden our discussions. Also, we value your opinion even if you are not currently a rail transport user.
This* was a press release by SNCF today, about a conference on rail freight. Now, I don't think there's a lot of freight going to appear anywhere in this picture, taken from the end of one of the platforms at Paris Gare de Lyon. And SNCF might, you'd have though, know these things.
Similar images, taken from much the same place, have been used quite a few times recently; for example:
Alcool Assistance Pyr^es Atlantiques (I kid you not):
Dans un poste d'aiguillage sensible, des cheminots ivres, un incident ^vit^ de justesse. Des images exclusives qui font froid dans le dos.
C'est l'un des postes d'aiguillage de Paris-Ouest, parmi les plus importants d'Ile-de-France. Il g^re - en un seul point de commande - une centaine d'itin^raires qui rayonne jusqu'^ Rouen (Seine-Maritime). Un poste tout relais ^ transit souple, un PRS dans le jargon des cheminots, o^ l'aiguilleur doit ^tre vigilant en permanence, car, contrairement aux postes d'aiguillage ^ la technologie plus r^cente, ici l'homme n'a pas encore ^ remplac^ par l'informatisation et l'automatisation de l'ensemble du processus.
You may remember the story, about drinking sessions at a signalling centre in the west of Paris. I did post about it at the time (June 2014, so this rehash is over a year later). That control centre is not in a signal box, of course, and obviously nowhere near the one shown in the picture which is the other side of Paris.
Still, you can't blame journalists, not for either of these.
* I've replaced the original version of that page with the above Franglais one, which I got a flyer for later. It is ... interesting? ... in its own right.