Today, I complained again at Bristol
TM▸ about the (no) Help (whatsoever) Point at Shirehampton Station.
There's been progress, of sorts. When you press the 'Next Train' button you get a bit more than just, "Please wait... please wait... please wait..." ad infinitum.
Now you get a dial tone, the green LED flashing to show it's connecting, sound of a connection being made, with the green light changing to a steady state. Then... nothing. Followed a few seconds later by a disconnect.
I'm hoping that
FGW▸ might replace this Help Point (again!) with one of the alternate style with a screen. There'll be two going spare soon as I noted today that Clifton Down is having overhead scrolling displays fitted to both platforms. It's too much to hope that Shirehampton will get one of these much more fit for purpose overhead jobbies.

On a more positive note, one of the platform planters at Shirehampton, made from old railway sleepers, has been repaired some three years after part of it was set alight. Not though with a replacement aged sleeper, but a substantial piece of fresh timber. Hopefully it'll weather to match the others. Looks a bit incongruous at the moment. Sad to see though that a couple of large pieces of the old damaged sleeper have been dumped in the cess rather than taken away. I hope that wasn't a deliberate bit of littering on the part of those who repaired the planter.