Earlier today at Shirehampton:

A speedy replacement this time. Thanks go to
FGW▸ and their suppliers/contractors for replacing the
CIS▸ /Help Point at Shirehampton in record time. This is now the third unit. These units cost over ^12,000 each. That's ^36,000+ FGW have spent at this one station.
Really does highlight the short-sighted decision not to include Shirehampton in the
CCTV▸ roll-out on the Severn Beach Line.
I'm told that late night patrols by
BTP▸ and their PCSOs will be stepped up at Shirehampton in the coming weeks. Particular attention will be given over the Easter school holiday period. That's good news. But I think a long term solution should be to have an information display out of scrotes reach. Yes, that'll still leave a tempting basic help point for the gits to target, so CCTV is a must.
In the mean time I'd like to reiterate my thanks to FGW for getting the unit replaced so quickly. I'd also like to offer thanks to the local BTP team who, I'm assured, are taking the issue of anti-social behaviour at Shirehampton seriously.
As it happens, there was a group of youths at Shirehampton this evening when I got off the last Severn Beach bound service. Emboldened slightly by the few beers I'd had earlier, I asked them if they were travelling. The gobby one of the group said, "Yeah, we're going to Stapleton Road when the train comes back. You gotta problem with that?"
I retreated.
But I did make a non-emergency call to BTP to let them now about the group congregated at Shirehampton. Overreaction? Maybe. But there's that slight chance I may have prevented further vandalism.