Rather than just rant here, I've asked First Bus why the remaining timings have changed - in the one case by just a handful of minutes - to the detriment of connections ...
I wrote:
I often use the 18:00 train from Paddington to Chippenham, getting there are 19:14 for the 19:24 bus home to Melksham (service 234). I note that as from 3rd September, the bus will leave at 19:16 (and the next bus at 20:44 is cancelled). As you run both the trains and the buses, will you be holding the bus to make sure that they still connect? If not, what alternative will you be offering?
They replied:
Dear Mr Ellis,
Thank you for your E-Mail. Thank you for contacting First to provide your observations on the scheduling of evening journeys currently undertaken on the 234 Service operating between Chippenham and Trowbridge. We can confirm that this detail has been referred to the operating depot for the service, who regret that the rearrangement of the tendered services from September 2nd 2012, operated by First on behalf of Wiltshire County Council is no longer convenient for your needs.
We are advised that your comments have been referred to the Management Team for Bath Services for their consideration in the ongoing review of the 234 Route, and thank you for providing us with your observations.
If you need anything further please do not hesitate to contact us by replying to this e-mail and quoting the reference:122244
First Customer Services
I don't see any answer to the question I asked in there, although the implication is "no we won't" and "we won't be providing any alternative". Or have I missed something?