What to call an Advance ticket is an interesting topic.
APEX was for those that remember was a special airline fare, the days before squeasy jet, which was cheaper but meant you had to stay over a Saturday night at your destination. I presume
BR▸ adopted it from teh airlines.
What ever you call it one way would be to put the train on which it is valid on the ticket. I attach a copy of
DB» E ticket I used last year year from Wernigerode to Berlin cut down which included an ICE from Braunschweig which is clearly stated on the ticket.
Bitte auf A4 ausdrucken
ICE Fahrkarte
G^ltigkeit: ab 13.02.2011
Gilt nur f^r eingetragene Z^ge und Reisetage (Zugbindung). *NV*: Gilt in
Nahverkehrsz^gen auf eingetragenen Strecken je Fahrt 1 Tag bis Folgetag 10 Uhr
Sparpreis (Einfache Fahrt)
Klasse: 1
Erw: 1
Hinfahrt: Wernigerode Berlin, mit ICE, (N-SP6649)
^ber: NV*BS-Hbf 11:00 ICE694
Umtausch/Erstattung 15 EURO; ab dem 1. Geltungstag ausgeschlossen
Zahlungspositionen und Preis
Positionen Preis MwSt (D) 19% MwSt (D) 7%
ICE Fahrkarte 1 49,00^ 49,00^ 7,82^
Reservierung 1 3,50^ 3,50^ 0,56^
Summe 52,50^ 52,50^ 8,38^
Betrag 52,50^ VU-Nr 4556695619 Transaktions-Nr 882483
Datum 14.01.2011 Gen-Nr 071834
Ihre Kreditkarte wurde mit dem oben genannten Betrag belastet. Die Buchung Ihres
Online-Tickets erfolgte am 14.01.2011. DB Fernverkehr AG/DB Regio AG,
Stephensonstr. 1, 60326 Frankfurt, Steuernummer: 045 231 28552.
Barcode bitte nicht knicken!
Zertifikat: 20W8 PX2Q J1G
G^ltig ab: 13.02.2011
Mr. John Fowler
ID-Karte: MasterCard 4428
Auftragsnummer: NWS1YC
Ihre Reiseverbindung und Reservierung Hinfahrt am 13.02.2011
Halt Datum Zeit Gleis Fahrt Reservierung
Wernigerode 13.02. ab 09:18 2 Salzgitter-Ringelh. 13.02. an 10:17 2
RE▸ 3606
Salzgitter-Ringelh. 13.02. ab 10:29 7 Braunschweig Hbf 13.02. an 10:51 5 RB 14374
Braunschweig Hbf 13.02. ab 11:00 7 Berlin Hbf 13.02. an 12:20 11
ICE 694 1 Sitzplatz, Wg. 12, Pl. 106, 1 Fenster, Abteil, Nichtraucher,
Ruhebereich gungen der DB AG bzw. besondere Regelungen f^r bestimmte Strecken und Angebote (z.B. innerhalb von Verkehrsverb^nden, Tarifgemeinschaften, L^ndertarife). Mehr Information gibt es unter
www.bahn.de/onlineticket. Wir danken Ihnen f^r Ihre Buchung und w^nschen Ihnen eine angenehme Reise!
Infos aufs
Fahrpl^ne, P^nktlichkeit,
Ticketbuchung und mehr!
NWS1YC Seite 1 / 1
Please print your online ticket in A4 format. Your ticket will not be accepted on the
train if you only present it in electronic form (e.g. on a Notebook).
Please take the identification card (BahnCard, credit card, ec card or identity card)
that you stated on purchasing your ticket with you in the train. Your ticket is only valid
for you in person in combination with your own identification card.
Your online ticket is only valid for the section of the journey stated under ^ticket^ at the top. ^Your itinerary^ contains possible travel information about further sections of the journey (e.g. by bus) for which a separate ticket may be needed.
If your online ticket also states +City or City mobile, you can use local public transport
to travel from your destination station to your fi nal destination in the city area free of
charge on the day of your outbound journey. This also applies for travelling back to the station on the day of your return journey.
The online ticket must be validated by the date stamp of the ticket inspector. For more
information, go to
www.bahn.de/cityIf there are any changes to your travelling plans, go to
www.bahn.de/erstattung to
change or cancel your online tickets (depending on the fare). Unfortunately, such
tickets cannot be returned in DB Travel Centres or travel agencies.
Just before you set off on your journey, please fi nd out about any possible timetable
changes. Information is available on the internet(
www.bahn.de/aktuell, mobile:
http://m.bahn.de), by phone on the DB service number (+49 (0)1805 - 99 66 33,
14 ct/min from German landline phones via Vodaphone, max. 42 ct/min for mobile phones).
In addition, the toll-free BahnBau phone on +49 (0) 800-5 99 66 55 provides information
about timetable changes caused by work on the lines.
We wish you a pleasant journey!
Rail travel protects the climate and the environment. Calculate your personal contribution at
www.bahn.de/umweltmobilcheck. This information is also available in various other languages at
Wir w^nschen Ihnen eine gute Reise! Bahnfahren sch^tzt Klima und Umwelt. Berechnen Sie Ihren pers^nlichen Beitrag unter
e Informationen gibt es auch in verschiedenen Fremdsprachen unter
i would have thoguht that makes it pretty clear that it would only be valid on ICE694 although I didn't have to use the suggested iternery to get to Braunschweig.
I have another one from Berlin to Gorlitz which was soley on local trains and although there is an itinery printed I didn't actually travel on the trains suggested. No problems.