Well, when I posted the original item, I did rather hope that it would prompt a lively debate here on the forum ^

Now, if I may pick up on three points which have been raised here, and relate them specifically to my own local station - Nailsea & Backwell, on the main line between Taunton and Bristol, for the benefit of those who are new here

1. Penalty Fare Notices. There is just one at Nailsea - it is mounted on the railings up on platform 2, facing away from the steps to that platform. It will only be visible to anyone travelling from platform 1 who has remarkably good eyesight.
2. Choice of cards - Electron / Solo. At Nailsea, the chap in the ticket cabin (part time, weekday morning peak hours only) uses an
Avantix▸ machine - no telephone / online links. His customer card validation options as a 'ticket office' point of sale are, therefore, no more than any train manager would have, on board a moving train.
3. Certain types of card not accepted. At Nailsea, there are no signs anywhere to explain which types of payment card may, or may not, be accepted - either on the ticket office on platform 2 or indeed anywhere else on the station.
And, purely as an aside: the two Ticket Vending Machines at Nailsea still display the message 'Pay by cash'. That has not been possible for nearly three years now - and I've almost lost the will to live, trying to persuade First Great Western to remove such misleading messages from their
TVMs▸ - if only for the very practical reason that it will dissuade potential ram-raiders from believing that there might be a few coins inside said machines ^