Worked the same service
EXD» -
BRI» 3 days in one week... 1st day, lady "accidently" boarded with a
XC▸ Only fare... was excessed to correct fare (I should have charged new ticket, but used my discretion
). 2nd day, I had a ticket assist who saw said lady, same excuse, was excessed again (I didn't realise it was her until the assist
TM‡ mentioned it after). I went through the train and warned her I was aware what she was doing and if full fare would be charged in future. A couple of days later... same ticket, same woman... full fare new ticket was sold, and received a huge amount of verbal abuse from her for being a "jobsworth".
A good example of why
TOCs▸ do end some types of TOC specific tickets when blatant abuse like this goes on which is a shame as it spoils it for those who did use the ticket on the right trains.
In my opinion the whole of these problems arise for both staff and passengers from the overtly complex fares system.
TOCs trying to be airlines with their pricing, having their own fares between places so they get all the revenue, (it only makes work for the "bean counters" allocating the money), numerous restrictions on trains you can travel on with certain tickets etc. etc.
The whole fares manual conditions of carrige need to be scrapped.
Start again with a fresh sheet of paper.
The mainfare should be a ticket to travel on any train between any two points by any permitted route (farily freely interpreted and the fare should be the fare. No cheaper splits etc. break of journey permitted both directions.
The TOCs should then be compelled to sell Advanced tickets with a leyway of one train either side for most trains. You lose your reservation if you travel on wrong train.
Keep It Simple Stupid.