Moderator note: I've split this discussion on 'Solari boards' off from
another topic lest the original thread drift further.
It does, however, beat Barnstaple in one respect, by having the closest thing to a "hub" airport on Cape Cod:, this raises a mildly interesting point (depending on your point of view, of course): as far as I'm aware, Cape Cod hasn't been served by Amtrak for many, many years*, and yet you can see Cape Cod flip over as one of the destinations on the Solari indicator at 30th Street Station when it updates.
*Certainly not from Philadelphia, anyway: there was a seasonal service for about 10 years until 1996, but that ran from NYC. Regular passenger service was discountinued in 1959 and I'm sure that Solari board in Philly isn't that old.