National Express - we know they have met with Duncan, but as yet no response from our initial approach letter. Will Chase.
Dear Phil,
Thank you for your letters to "Save the Train" and the Melksham Railway Development Group, seeking user group inputs with regards to the forthcoming Great Western Franchise. I'm following up on behalf of the TransWilts Community Rail Partnership, informally set up early last year to bring a number of user groups, local government and the rail industry together. "Save the Train" has been subsumed into the TransWilts
CRP▸ , which is very much more of a co-operative working group rather than a campaigning group, and the Melksham Railway Development Group is a member of the CRP. I'm writing as the Press and Relations officer for the CRP, and as vice chairman of
To the subject at hand. I enclose the following .pdf files:
a) The TransWilts CRP's response to the
DfT» 's consultation on what we would like to see
b) A set of presentation slides covering the key points we wish to make to bidders such as Stagecoach
And I will add a summary of "case" just below, which we believe to one of the best researched and one of the strongest cases for an immediate service improvement to a minimum interval of 2 hours between trains in each direction, all day and every day.
We would love to meet up with your team, and listen to your thoughts so that perhaps we can make comment from a local perspective for our mutual benefit. We would also very much like to take you through our presentation in person (or with other members of the Stagecoach team) to explain deeper. However, we are aware that you have a very large area to cover and you may not be able to take up such offers.
We also have around a dozen further consultation responses on file (from individuals through to
MP▸ and large companies) which we are happy to share, three business case reports for the line (
BCR▸ of the preferred option running upwards from 1.7, even after optimism factor has been applied), Operation report on a suggested timetable from Network Rail, Chamber of Commerce business and public survey reports, and a report on the trial service, loadings and other journey data from 8 sundays last summer. A very large amount of data indeed - I don't want to flood you out, so we've put together a follow-up package. You can download this - your choice of two different formats (.tar.gz and .zip). extra code on the end of the URL is an extra security element - a sort of password. Although all of the documents and letters were copied to us for our ongoing use, we do not have permission to generally publish some of the material. A presentation is included within the pack, and is also online directly at on underscores to left of bullet points). Finally, I've added - below the "case summary" an index of the bundle to help you easily extract any parts you wish.
Please can you (as a minimum) confirm that you've received this email. We hope you'll be able to do much more - that we can continue a dialogue which helps inform you thoroughly on local TransWilts issues prior to your bid submission, and beyond there should you be chosen to run the franchise to ensure that the service and support is appropriate, and that we (the community) can work together through the 15 years to maximise the benefits it can bring for everyone.
Graham Ellis -
graham@atrebatia.infoPress and publicity, TransWilts Community Rail Partnership
TransWilts CRP, 48, Spa Road, Melksham, Wilts, SN12 7NY - 0845 459 0153
Summary of case prepared for Stagecoach (Phil Dominey)
*** TransWilts - 2013 to 2028 Franchise.
** The line
- Links Swindon and Chippenham via Melksham to Trowbridge, Westbury, Dilton Marsh, Warminster and Salisbury
- Ongoing connections to other destinations at both ends of the line; two way flows; non-seasonal; link major urban centres.
** Work on the case
- One of the most thoroughly analysed cases for the service level that should be in the next franchise.
MVA (Business / Financial) case and others
Network Rail operational case
Chambers of Commerce business survey results
Chambers of Commerce public survey results
Report on successful trial service on Summer Sundays 2011
** For the next franchise
- We have asked the Department for Transport to support a two-hourly service, hourly in the peak
This is a well researched case, high BCR (2.74), and is sufficient to bring an attitude change. By which we mean that people will naturally take to moving their journeys forward of backward by up to 60 minutes, rather than only considering the train if a particular service happens to suit them.
- Price, speed, comfort and timekeeping are NOT critical elements for this service on the TransWilts
- Frequency (every 2 hours requested), times (IF service is more limited), reliability and information ARE critical elements.
The service option requested has an excellent business and operational case and is fully supported locally. Support is "joined up" with the Swindon and Wiltshire
LEP» , and Wiltshire Council fully on board. It is part of the Wiltshire Council Local Transport Plan, and forms part of the Local Sustainable Transport Fund bid, to which Wiltshire Council has pledged a financial support contribution to cover the initial period as traffic build up.
- The service can co-exist with an open access operation we have seen proposed, and indeed they would mutually benefit; a combined hourly service would have each train busier due to the extra business attracted; only a service that was more frequent than hourly would lead to a drop.
- The improvements will do a huge amount for Melksham - a town with the size & character of Frome is a good comparison
- The improvements will provide a dramatic improvement for journeys from Salisbury and West Wilts to Chippenham / Swindon
Part of that improvement will mean that passengers from Trowbridge to Swindon can be removed from overcrowded Trowbridge to Bath trains, thus providing capacity relief. Up to 50 passengers from West Wilts to Chippenham / Swindon currently change at Bath on certain peak trains.
- Opportunity to sort out a good service for Dilton Marsh (now urban area) and other occasional services south of Westbury
- All of these items taken together, on the same trains, make for an exceptionally good business case.
- Community Rail Support already in place and waiting to support an appropriate service; much proven work already, much more ready to go.
** Some specific comments and thoughts - "just ideas"
Although the Community Rail Partnership prefers a through service from Swindon to Salisbury, cross-platform / same platform interchange at Westbury is acceptable if it does not increase journey times significantly.
There are currently occasional extra trains in addition to the Cardiff - Portsmouth service running south of Westbury. Some appear to be provided to meet the current franchise specification, and the reason for them may have been overtaken by other services added since they were specified, such as the "Romsey 6" and other direct trains from Fareham to Havant. There may be scope for rationalising and combining these services, which is especially prctical for Stagecoach running from the Salisbury depot, and already terminating 2 diesel unit trains at the East of Salisbury per hour; should one every 2 hours continue to Swindon, getting back there just over 2 hours later to resume the diagram of the train that left for Swindon around 20 minutes earlier?
Bristol to Waterloo services wait for some 20 minutes in total between Westbury and Swindon. Should they stop at Dilton Marsh? Much more useful than Westbury to Warminster short workings that fail to provide southbound connections.
The enclosures within the bundle (if you wish to refer to them):
a) The presentation we made last week:
b) Responses to the DfT Consultation:
Duncan Hames MP: 20120329
GW» Franchise Consultation.docx
Melksham Railway Development group: MRDG_GW_subsmission_120330.pdf
TransWilts Community Rail Partnership: DfT_GWconsultation_TransWilts.pdf (.txt file is covering letter)
Melksham Chamber of Commerce and Industry: dftcoc.pdf
Well House Consultants: dft_gwconsult2012.pdf (.txt file is covering letter)
Knorr Bremse (Major employer in Melksham): paul_goodhand
Lee Fletcher: GW Franchise Consultation Response 2012.docx
Shirley McCarthay: letrail270312.docx
As well as these 14 responses, we were told of (but not copied) on many more inputs.
c) Recent Technical data and reports
Business / Economic case study by MVA Consultancy: mva_2011_03_07.pdf
Operational case study by Network Rail: nr_2011_03_04.pdf
Business and public surveys by Wessex Chambers of Commercce: rt_full.pdf
Report on trial service run on summer Sundays 2011: rt_summer.pdf
Presentation to Melksham Area Board, showing how important local transport issue is: mab.pdf
d) An Alternative study by Robert Bagnall (University Project, well based on data):
Getting Wiltshire Back on Track.doc
Appendix CBA 1.doc
Appendix CBA 2.doc
e) TransWilts Community Rail Partnership:
Draft constitution: rt_constit.pdf
Letter of support / background / what we can do: rt_support.pdf