However, there are a lot of students in Bath ...

Oh back in the days when I may have been one of them..................... Perhaps the less said about that the better maybe ;-)
Forgot to say... Some excellent spots there

A few of those I didn't think people would get so easily. I guess as grahame once said, we're a knowledgeable bunch

Hear are some clues...!
Suprised also that paul7755 hasn't got Number 1

and that relex109 hasn't got the coffee one... (13 - on second thoughts the number 13 may have put him off

You can get to all the stations in pictures 1, 8, 16 and 17 on the same train

14 has toilets that are free of charge to use... the almost immediately adjacent station will relieve you of 30p (no pun intended)
15 is not served by any National Rail service, despite what the sign would have you believe!
3 serves trains to Barcelona and Madrid. But you could also go to France from their too, although it is quicker to change trains at Barcelona ;-)