May I just add that as a Moderator who was around yesterday afternoon, it fell to me to do the necessary housework and raise concerns with the rest of the team about
bernardinuk's first two posts on this forum.
The similarities to another dubious account opened last week by
maryfgw - introduction in 'Fares's Fair' followed by a thread on the same board warning us about fare dodging* - jumped out to me and swift action was taken by myself and grahame. Despite the similarities, an opportunity was given to
bernardinuk to confirm his
bona fides, but none were forthcoming.
It it no coincidence that
bernardinuk's post were; 1) a claim to be fgw staff, 2) a topic about fare dodging and now, 3) a post saying they
are staff, but contradicting their introduction. An identical
modus operandi to
Not very clever and a just a little annoying. Fortunately the team are excellent in defence during a game of Silly B*gg*rs. Even when the second half kicks off at 6am (well played, Chris
). We've got better equipment and experience!
It's good to see forum members challenging dubious posts as well.
That thread, now removed from public view was titled; FGW▸ IS WATCHING YOU and the body of the message was:Okay i see that people are discussing means of dodging paying for fares
and i wont tolerate that!