Lets see if I've got this right....
The OFT were planning to refer Stagecoach's buyout of First Bus' North Devon operations to the Competition Commission over worries that a monopoly would exist. Yet didn't First have a monopoly on commercial routes in this area until recent years?
Because of the OFT decision to refer, Stagecoach withdrew their offer, First are closing their operation and Stagecoach are now planning to operate similar routes as the those abandoned by First. So the OFT have, through that decision to refer, actually ended up creating a situation that they wanted to avoid - one operator having a monopoly. Slightly incompetent of them I'd say.
If they'd let the Stagecoach takeover go ahead more jobs would've been safeguarded as First North Devon staff would've transferred to Stagecoach and been afforded many protections under
TUPE▸ legislation. Obviously future rationalisation by Stagecoach may have led to job losses down the road, but at least in the short term all First staff would've transferred to the new employer relatively seemlessly and would have had a better chance of securing their job long term than the situation they now face of redundancy and needing to apply for a job with Stagecoach. Or having to relocate to remain a First employee. Both less enticing prospects than TUPE.
Then there's the benefit to passengers of a seemless takeover. They'd know the bus services they currently use would continue, again, at least in the short-term. Now though passengers in North Devon face uncertainty. One operation is closing, and a new one is opening. That won't be seemless; timetables/frequencies may be different, fare structures will almost certainly be different and routes may well change.
There's also the impact on First Group. Their
UK▸ bus division is struggling a bit at the moment and there is rumoured to be a list of First Bus operations they are looking to dispose of. They are now no longer getting ^2.8 million from the sale of the North Devon operation and will be paying out a fair whack in redundancy payments. That loss may well have a knock on impact, with First looking to further cut back in other areas (Taunton? Yeovil? Weymouth?)or add to their list of 'for sale' operations.
All in all a very poor decision by the OFT, who've failed to look at the bigger picture. They weren't so worried when First took over Trurorian in Cornwall. A bit inconsistent, but not unusual for civil servants and their political masters.