She said further details on what was happening with the electrification of the midland main line would be released in July.
...which is when the
CP5▸ HLOS▸ /SofA is planned to be published.
NR» 's
proposals for the CP5 investment programme already do include the
MML» , as well - I reckon it has a good chance of being done.
NR's details include the entire route to Sheffield, and were published with
HS2▸ already under discussion, so I don't think an electrifcation to Leicester only is likely. Leicester isn't a convenient terminus even in the context of an
HS▸ line towards the NE, if there was to be an interim end of the wires you'd surely expect it to be after the point where the HS line crosses the Midland, eg at the expected East Midlands interchange, so you'd still wire to Nottingham/Derby anyway?